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Devotion wing of East Brunswick Sai center


Sri Sathya Sai Baba has emphasized the path of devotion (bhakti) in the following quote by Sathya Sai Baba defines devotion and its importance in our lives. 

The Essence of Devotion

“The essence of Bhakti is Love and not formal exercises in japa or worship of various kinds. Worship should be offered to the Divine who resides in all beings. Love is God: live in love. Love is the means of realizing the bliss of the Self, which is centered in ourselves. It need not be sought elsewhere. It can be found within one's self when all thoughts are controlled and the mind is turned inwards. Dedicate all actions to the Lord. This is the highest knowledge. It is the summum bonum of existence. Love should become a way of life. That alone is true devotion.”

                - Divine Discourse at the Poornachandra Auditorium on 8th Oct 1986

Devotional activities include study circle, devotional singing/bhajans, prayer, and meditation, as well as observing spiritual festivals. 

Thursday Devotion Program

Bhajans are from 8:00 pm to 9:15 pm.

Venue: Om Sri Sai Balaji Temple, Monroe, NJ

Sunday Devotion Program

Devotion Program is from 2:00 pm to 4:30 pm on every Sunday.

2:00pm–3:30pm Study Circle

3:45pm–4:30pm - Bhajans

Venue:Om Sri Sai Balaji Temple, Monroe, NJ

Bhajan Learning Classes

Bhajan classes are every Friday from 7:30pm-8:30pm. Please contact the Devotion coordinator any of the center officers for further details.

Weekly Center Bhajans

If you would like to lead a bhajan, play instruments or render any devotional service, please contact the Devotion coordinator or any of the center officers for further details.

Upcoming Events



SSE Calendar

2023-2024 SSSE begins in-person in September.  For any questions, please Contact Us