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SSSE Information

Main Menu

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SSSE Information

When and Where 

Sri Sathya Sai Center of East Brunswick conducts SSSE (Sri Sathya Sai Educare) classes for children every SUNDAY between 2:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m.

Classes are held at the CENTRAL ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in East Brunswick. At this center children are divided into four groups based on their age, as shown below.


 Sai Nursery

 Ages: 4-1/2 & 5

 Group 1

 Grades: 1, 2 & 3

 Group 2

 Grades: 4, 5 & 6

 Group 3

 Grades: 7, 8 & 9

 Group 4  (new)

 Grades: 10, 11 & 12



SSSE Classes & Extra Curricular Activities

Every family, that has registered their child/children for SSSE classes, is expected to make a commitment to attend these classes regularly. If your child has signed up for tennis, soccer, music or any other extra-curricular activities, please ensure that there is no conflict with the SSSE class timings. In order to benefit from these classes, regular participation is required. As a family, please commit yourself seriously to SSSE on Saturday mornings.


Dress Code

We often stress to children about modesty. Please send your children dressed modestly. Here are some clothing that are not appropriate for these classes: Tight tops, Tank tops, Short Skirts, Shorts for girls and Shorts, Tank tops for boys.

On special occasions / celebrations, children are requested to dress in an all-white outfit. They are also encouraged to wear an all-white outfit for regular SSSE classes.



A minimum of 80% attendance is expected of all children attending SSSE classes. Irregularity in attendance may result in the child not getting a graduation certificate but merely a certificate of participation.



Please arrive 10 minutes prior to start of the class.


Drop off / Pick up

Parents are urged to drop off and pick up their child/children from their respective classrooms. Children learn from observation and this is an excellent means for you to show them that you care about them and the SSE classes. Refrain from parking at the curb and dropping off or picking up your children at the front of the school.

Please note that children will be held in their classroom until a parent of the child picks them up from the class.



Please send a one inch three ring binder and a writing instrument with your child.

Upcoming Events



SSE Calendar

2023-2024 SSSE begins in-person in September.  For any questions, please Contact Us